I grew up in Northern Virginia in the United States as part of a family that worked hard all their lives, but still experienced difficulties such as illness and financial need at times. I have also experienced loss through the death of my husband and like so many, I have seen the suffering of others who have experienced poverty, mental health breakdowns, homelessness, and suicide.  And yet through all this, God has been faithful.  Because of the love that I have experienced from our faithful God, I have wanted to share that love and so have tried to serve others through my career in social services and program oversight and through volunteering for over 30 years.

When I first learned of I-LAP in Pakistan, I was both broken-hearted to hear of the suffering of individuals there, but also amazed at what this organization achieves there even with very little.  It was a privilege to get to know Sajid Sandhu and his team who sacrifice so much to serve others through I-LAP and to be allowed to be part of their important work now through I-LAP USA along with Secretary Elaine Gills who has demonstrated through her life’s work her faithfulness and love for others.  I urge everyone to support this organization which tirelessly raises a voice for equality and justice for those most vulnerable especially in times of man-made and natural disasters. I-LAP provides support to our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters around the world, but I especially love that I-LAP is an organization that serves individuals of all faiths who are in need so we can all share together in God’s blessings. For some, there will be no tomorrow if we are not there to help today so I pray that we can all work together to support those most in need in our world.

Linda Winings