I-LAP’s vision is based on Matthew 28:19, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”.


Empowering church leaders for reaching out to all nations, proclaiming the Great Commission, witnessing the love of Christ.


  1. Evangelism through media, web channel(s)
  2. Provide capacity building trainings to church leadership and lay persons
  3. Promote Religious Freedom
  4. Share Christ with immigrants and refugees; enhancing their existing talents and skills to help them adjust to the culture in the USA and to become a vital part of the society
  5. Prepare those who foster a deep passion for mission work and a desire to actively participate in outreach initiatives
  6. Provide humanitarian assistance at the times of natural and manmade disasters
  7. Establish shelter homes for the homeless
  8. Establish homes for senior living